Buried Hearts (2025)


A desperate man hacks into a secret slush fund worth 2 trillion won, unknowingly setting off a deadly chain of events. Meanwhile, a ruthless powerbroker kills a man, unaware he’s already been robbed—losing his fortune in an instant.

Seo Dong Ju, the calculating “Daesan Man,” appears loyal to Daesan Group, but beneath his devotion lies a hidden ambition—to seize control of the empire when the moment is right.

Yeom Jang Seon, a former NIS director and political kingmaker, thrives on absolute power. Controlling the elite from the shadows, he lives to bend the world to his will—until the stolen billions threaten his reign.

As ambition and power collide, who will win this high-stakes game of control, deception, and revenge?


Status: Ongoing

Release Year:

Genres: , , ,

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